• Gifted Shop

    Instant world changing gifts everybody loves

    Pick the change that matters to you. Personalize, email, print, or mail [beta] your greeting card in seconds — a meaningful gift that never disappoints and funds good causes.

  • Bees save elephants

    This gift buys one beehive so elephants & farmers can live side by side with the help of a Beehive Fence that protects the farmers crops
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  • Shutdown the Lockdown Hunger

    This gift buys enough food for a family of 5 for two weeks.

    The pandemic lockdowns in India have cost many day laborers their jobs. They have been left with little to no money to keep malnutrition and starvation at bay.
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Cause gets Money

Tons of gifts to support tons of causes


Nobody wants unwanted gifts

$16 billion worth of gifts got trashed 2019

The fix: 
The gift that gives!

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